We help K-12 students achieve their academic goals

by pairing them with real teachers!

TutorUp isn’t your average online tutoring platform!

TutorUp is an online tutoring platform providing live, private, personalized tutoring services. One-on-one tutoring, with certified, classroom-experienced teachers, for all grades from Pre-K through High School, in all academic subjects.

Pricing plans to fit your needs

We offer multiple sized packages and subscriptions so you have options

For Families

Looking for an online tutor? TutorUp provides affordable one-on-one tutoring with a secure platform, scheduler, and session recaps for students.

For Tutors

Become a TutorUp tutor! We offer high pay, flexible scheduling, and automatic payments to your account. Fill out our questionnaire and schedule an interview.

We offer customized tutoring at an outrageous price!

Every Tutor is a certified teacher

All our tutors are certified, background-checked, experienced classroom teachers.

Online tutoring in a 1-on-1 setting

Each student gets the undivided attention and personalized support they need. Now partnered with ZOOM for ease of use.

Flexible pricing options

Choose one session, a package, or a subscription. The more you sign up for, the lower the price.

Our Success Stories

Hear it from our happy students!

"Tutoring with Natalie went very well. She was very patient, kind and professional. Alexander definitely learned from her teaching skills. He went from a 59% to 83% as his final in Chemistry. Without TutorUp, Alex would have failed and quite possibly be attending summer school."

Machelle W

"The teacher you assigned is an excellent educator. I was also very impressed with how you took the time to find the right teacher for my nephew Luke. Based upon my initial impression of you, I have already referred your service to four of my (colleagues at work) by giving them your phone number.”

Jonathan M

"I can’t thank TutorUp enough for the help that we’ve received. My grandson was starting the second grade at a reading level and a math level that was going to cause him to be held back this year. In the two months that we’ve been with TutorUp at two to three sessions a week with Miss Danielle, my grandson is not in that hole that he was in anymore and him being held back isn’t an option now. I am so grateful that I found TutorUp and I would recommend them to anyone who finds themself in the same boat that I was in."

Margaret B

"TutorUp is exactly what we were looking for! We needed a virtual option that offered a personal touch. Our tutor, James, is fantastic. In addition to extensive subject knowledge, he helped our son gain confidence by learning to ask the right questions and to better understand where he actually needs help. James is respectful of our time and willing to work with our schedule. This was the lifeline our son needed to move forward! Thank you TutorUp!"

Tina H

"My grandson’s tutor was really great with him. She helped him so much with English and Math."

Mary F

"Great teachers that love what they do!"

Nyre T

Package Pricing

Subscriptions Available

Flexible Length of Tutoring Sessions

We offer a NEW STUDENT discount!