Homework time can be a battlefield, but with a bit of strategy, you can turn this daily skirmish into a productive,...
Helping Students Reach Their Reading Potential: The Case for One-on-One Tutoring
Reading is a foundational skill that shapes a student’s academic success and lifelong learning. Yet, many students...
Helping your child with math
Tips even math-challenged parents can use Not all of us are great at math, but adults understand that basic math...
Get help to pay for tutoring
Sources of funding for parents Private tutoring is an excellent support tool for students but is generally not a free...
20 Useful Apps for Kids with Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities
Guest post from Wizcase.com Teaching a child is hard. Even if a child is neurotypical, there are still many challenges...
Speech Therapy or Tutoring?
The answer is often "Both" The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) explains the importance of...
American students’ test scores plunge to lowest levels in decades
Report shows the serious impact of the pandemic The just-released report from the National Assessment of Educational...
FUN Summer Math Exercises
Fun ways to keep up with math over the summer Even in “normal” years, kids of all ages lose ground over the summer,...
What’s Your Child’s Reading Level?
How You Can Help Your Child Become a Better Reader There’s a lot of discussion about how kids have fallen behind in...
Reading Resources for Parents
“Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible.”-- Barack Obama Parents can have a significant...
Combine Fun and Learning on Vacation – Educational Vacation Ideas
It’s July and you may still be thinking about a summer vacation with the kids. If you haven’t already got your summer...
Free Summer Learning Activities for Kids – 10 Resources
Schools all across the U.S. will be dismissing for the summer break in the next few weeks, and many parents are...