Is Summer Learning Loss Real? A research study in the American Educational Research Journal found that “the average...
“Children Are Severely Behind in Reading” from the NY Times
The Pandemic Has Worsened the Reading Crisis in Schools Dana Goldstein of the New York Times reported this week on the...
Study Tips for Kids (and Parents)
Help Your Student Establish Good Study Habits The best way to help your student study is to share some tips, help them...
Hobbies Help Kids De-Stress
Creative Ways to Improve Your Child's Life This seems obvious, but bears reminding: “When engaging in a hobby you...
Starting 2022 Off Right
Student academic performance scores have dropped School districts are quietly discussing student performance results...
Taking Study Breaks Helps Improve Student Performance
Brain Breaks Help Avoid Student Frustration Students are feeling the pressure. Most have missed a lot of in-person...
How Paper and Pencil Can Help Your Child Study More Effectively
Help improve memory and retention simply by writing things down You already know how much time your child spends using...
Overcoming Learning Loss
How to Catch Up Teachers are experienced in dealing with the annual learning loss that happens every year over summer...
Students behind in Math and English
Pandemic disruptions caused significant learning loss A recently published study by McKinsey & Company reveals...
Uncertainty Persists for the New School Year
Just when you thought you and your family could return to “normal” for the new school year starting this month, the...
The “Do-Over” School Year
There’s a lot of conversation happening about whether or not parents should be allowed to give kids a “do-over” school...
Summer School 2021 – During the Pandemic
Statistics show that 79% of schools are offering online summer school classes in the wake of the pandemic. The...