How does online tutoring work with TutorUp?
1. Browse our tutors
You can select the grade level and subject you’re interested in, and browse all of the available tutors who match. All TutorUp tutors are certified teachers with classroom experience and have been through our interview process and background check.
2. Get matched with the right tutor for your child
You can select the tutor you want to work with or have us select for you, based on your specific needs.
3. Purchase tutoring time
Select the tutoring package that is the best fit. Once you’re matched with a tutor, you can begin scheduling sessions at your convenience. As each session is concluded, the minutes used will be deducted from your balance. And session length is flexible that way.
4. Stay informed
Your parent dashboard keeps track of all the details of your child’s tutoring progress. ZOOM sessions are recorded, written transcripts are provided, and the tutor writes a brief recap following each session which you can share with your child’s classroom teacher.
Is it just online tutoring or do you provide in-person tutors?
All of our tutoring sessions at this time are conducted online, using our ZOOM platform for video conferencing.
Using your Parent Dashboard, you may request to schedule sessions at your convenience. Tutors and students meet in a virtual environment one-on-one, share notes and documents, and anything else they would be able to do in person.
Any questions, call 877-888-6787
Can the same tutor work with all my children?
Absolutely! If your tutor is certified in the subjects and grade levels of your children, they can definitely all use the same tutor.
Can the same tutor teach multiple subjects?
Teachers may teach any subject that they have certification and/or experience teaching.
Does TutorUp use a specific curriculum?
No, we leave the education up to the educators. The reason all of our tutors are certified, experienced classroom teachers is because they make the best tutors.
Each individual student needs different things from a tutor and an experienced teacher knows how to evaluate a student’s specific needs. We don’t promote any lessons or curriculum. We promote individualized support for students who may be struggling with a specific subject or concept.
What equipment do I need for online sessions?
We recommend conducting tutoring sessions using a laptop or desktop computer. While it’s possible to connect to a ZOOM session using a tablet or phone, it’s not the best experience.
You’ll need an internet-connected computer that has a camera and microphone, and it’s best to be located in a quiet area of your home, with minimal distractions.
Tips for your tutoring sessions
Tutors schedule tutoring sessions. Parents can request days/times, but a session is not technically “scheduled” until the tutor schedules it.
Once you’re sure you have the equipment and internet access you need, you’re ready to go. TutorUp manages hosting of all tutoring sessions on our ZOOM platform, and your meeting link will be on your Dashboard and emailed to you so you just need to click to join.
We recommend that parents launch the tutoring session, and they are welcome to remain throughout the entire session.
- Close the door, turn off music or TVs, or otherwise be sure to block out background noise. Silence your phone.
- Feel free to have your student use headphones with a microphone, if you have them.
How do payments work?
When you create your parent account, you provide credit card payment information and purchase any amount of tutoring minutes you want. As each tutoring session is completed, and the tutor submits a recap of the session, the minutes are deducted from your “bank” of tutoring time. Length of sessions is flexible.
You can purchase an individual 30-minute session, or packages with multiple minutes, or monthly subscriptions. The more minutes you purchase, the lower the cost.
How much does online tutoring cost with TutorUp?
Tutoring time is sold in bundles of minutes, and sessions can be of variable length.
New students may purchase 120 minutes at our Special Introductory Price of $89,
240 minutes for $179
480 minutes for $339
or 720 minutes for $499
See our Pricing page for more information.