Free Summer Learning Activities for Kids – 10 Resources
Schools all across the U.S. will be dismissing for the summer break in the next few weeks, and many parents are looking for ways to keep their kids busy over the break. In addition to the normal yearly learning loss that students suffer over a long summer break, students have also suffered significant learning loss due to Covid.
We’ve put together a list of 10 free resources for parents who want some help exercising their kids’ brains over summer vacation. These are also great resources that teachers and tutors can use to create lesson plans and enrichment material.
And if your child would benefit from some one-on-one time with a certified, experienced classroom teacher this summer, TutorUp offers affordable summer tutoring.
Free Summer Learning Activities
Wide Open School, powered by Common Sense, has resources for preschool through grade 12:
A collection of fun education resources from Edutopia:
Reading Rockets has ideas for teachers to share with families to help them get ready for summer:
Education World has put together a list of 25 activities to keep kids’ brains active over the summer:
Creative summer learning ideas for students PreK – 8th grade from Scholastic:
The Cade Museum has easy STEAM activities for preschool through ages 10+:
iCivics has free civics resources for educators and for families:
KERA has an annual Summer Learning Challenge parents can enroll their kids in:
Free printable worksheet bundles for summer learning from Edmentum:
AllConnect has some great summer resources for all students, regardless of internet access: